Internet Governance Forum 2023: Fostering Peace Through Tech Governance

The Internet Governance Forum 2023 in Tokyo hosted a networking session organised by the Global PeaceTech Hub, entitled ‘Governing technology for peace: a multistakeholder approach‘. During this event, stakeholders explored the intricate relationship between technology, peace and governance. The session served as a platform for experts and thought leaders from different sectors to collaborate and establish an inclusive approach to implementing PeaceTech initiatives.

In a world where technology straddles the line between being perceived as a threat and a driver of peace, participants recognised the critical need to redefine peace itself. In this research, they identified crucial reference points such as human rights, the concept of ‘positive peace’ that goes beyond the simple absence of conflict, and the innovative use of technology and data to move from ‘coercive peace’ to ‘persuasive peace’.

At the heart of the discussions was a strong call for improved transparency and accountability within the digital landscape. The central idea was simple but profound: people tend to act more responsibly when they are accountable for their actions. This concept resonated deeply with participants and underlined the urgency of creating a safer digital space while preserving freedom of expression.

The session culminated in a compelling call to action, which urged stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including governments, technology companies, NGOs and universities, to collaborate and explore the vast potential and intricate challenges of PeaceTech. Their mission is to identify key areas of focus and pool resources for projects that promote the responsible use of cutting-edge technologies, advancing the cause of peace and social cohesion.

The discussions encapsulated a wide array of ideas and needs regarding the nexus between technology and peace:

  • Technology’s Dual Nature: Technology was acknowledged as a double-edged sword. While it can pose threats, such as cyber vulnerabilities, privacy concerns, and misinformation, it can also be a powerful catalyst for peace when managed responsibly, steering clear of ‘technological solutionism.’
  • The Shift to ‘Persuasive Peace’: The imperative of transitioning from ‘coercive peace,’ where technology primarily serves security and stability, to ‘persuasive peace,’ which harnesses technology and data to promote social cohesion, was emphasized.
  • Human Rights Due Diligence: Participants stressed the significance of applying human rights due diligence when procuring technology solutions. Technologies that infringe upon human rights, dignity, or freedom should not be categorized as PeaceTech.
  • Process-Centric Regulation: Rather than focusing on content, the discussions urged for a focus on regulating processes to establish a transparent and accountable internet. This approach forms the bedrock for societal trust by addressing various sources of digital discrimination.

Beyond these key points, other crucial considerations emerged:

  • Beyond Human Rights: While human rights provide a legal framework for peace, PeaceTech discussions underscored the importance of adopting a broader approach that acknowledges dimensions beyond human rights.
  • Global South Perspective: Calls were made to integrate a Global South perspective into multi-stakeholder discussions on PeaceTech to ensure inclusivity and diversity.
  • Trust Challenges with International Institutions: Concerns were raised regarding the sharing of sensitive data by civil society advocates with international institutions, highlighting trust challenges.

In summary, the Internet Governance Forum 2023 networking session shed light on the profound impact technology can have on peace and society. It is therefore urgent that stakeholders in the areas of technology and peace work together to harness the potential of technology to create a safer and more harmonious digital world, guided by the shared goals of collaboration, transparency and accountability.


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